Showing posts with label mergers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mergers. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Fixing the economy is like training for a marathon: not much fun

By MILLIE MUROI, Economics Writer

It used to completely baffle me how addicted runners seem to be to their sport. My dad, who has run nearly 200 marathons, used to drive my brother and I to park runs at the crack of dawn as kids. Not my idea of fun.

But the more I think about it, the more I realise running is like competition reform: often a pain in the glutes, but a habit that’s rewarding (and actually a bit enjoyable) if you stick the course. In August, I’ll be attempting – if all goes to plan – my first marathon.

Running is what Dr Andrew Leigh, former economics professor and now assistant minister for competition and treasury, would class as “type one” fun. Following him on Strava – Facebook for fitness buffs – is proof of this: for Leigh, running is intrinsically fun.

For me, it has long been “type two” fun: unpleasant in the moment but satisfying after the fact – much like competition reform for economists, as Leigh points out in a speech he gave to the Economics Society of Australia in Perth this week. “It’s no policy paradise or island stroll, but it’s no data desert either,” he says of reform: it’s hard work at the time but worth the effort.

The Hilmer reforms in the 1990s are a good example. While the process took nearly a decade and there was plenty of disagreement, the pay-off was massive. Leigh says it permanently boosted average annual household incomes by roughly $5000.

Just as you might be pushed to perform better in a race against other people, greater dynamism and competition is generally a good thing for a more productive economy.

One lesson from those reforms was that money talks. Much like a promise agreed to (but not yet fulfilled) by my parents to pay me $5 for every second I take off my “per kilometre” pace, incentives matter. Turns out I can run much faster when I’m financially compensated for it.

In the late 1990s, the Australian government made national competition policy payments to states and territories based on their populations – but only if they made satisfactory progress on their reform commitments. This helped push through changes such as removing restrictions on retail trading hours, setting up the national electricity market and abolishing controls on the price of milk.

Today, Leigh says the Australian economy faces different challenges. And while reform may not be anyone’s idea of “type-one” fun, it can make us better at what we do.

That is, the easier it is to switch jobs, and the less dominated an industry is by a fistful of firms, the better it is for our economy. Why? Because it keeps businesses on their toes, pushes them to work harder and smarter, and allows workers to move more easily to jobs that are a better fit.

And as Leigh points out, we’ve become better at crunching the numbers. “Using bigger datasets, better econometric techniques and updated theories, economists have provided new insights on trends in market concentration and the relationship between competition and productivity,” he says.

This is important because it’s difficult to make improvements (in running and in economics) without data.

We know from economists Dan Andrews (not that one) and David Hansell’s look at firm-level data, for example, that job switching rates have dropped in recent years. And we see from Jonathan Hambur’s look at tax data that Australian industries dominated by a handful of big players have tended to increase their prices the most.

The hard work, of course, is making the changes we need. Tracking my running form during runs has been weirdly fun. Actually fixing my technique? A bit tedious.

Last year, the government ramped up the country’s merger reforms so that businesses above a certain size as measured by their turnover – or buying a business over a certain size – would have to (from January 2026) notify the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission whenever they wanted to merge. That is, notification would no longer be voluntary.

This was partly thanks to a database built by the Treasury’s Competition Taskforce, the Reserve Bank and the Australian National University, which found about 1500 mergers were happening every year, many involving big firms. Yet only about one in five were voluntarily notifying the competition watchdog.

Enforcement and the paperwork required for all the additional notifications might be a bit cumbersome. But the hope is that keeping track of big (or serial) mergers will help keep concentration in check.

And the fun doesn’t stop there. Leigh says there’s currently work underway on a tool to identify parts of the economy where there are only a few big businesses. Using geographic data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the tool will help to zero in on concentration hot spots: regions or segments of the economy where further merger activity could pose the greatest risk to competition.

Then, there’s “non-compete clauses” which handcuff more than one in five Aussies according to economic research institute e61. These sneaky clauses are written into employment contracts to restrict an employee from joining a competitor, or starting their own business to compete with their ex-employer, usually for a set time or within a geographic area.

Non-competes can protect intellectual property, but their use in sectors like childcare, Leigh says, shows they’re probably also being used unreasonably to stop workers moving to more desirable jobs, too. This, he says, is “type three” fun: that is, no fun at all.

The Productivity Commission reckons reforming non-compete clauses could permanently boost Australia’s productivity and output by allowing workers to move more easily to higher value jobs and making it easier for new businesses to challenge old ones.

It’s one of 19 potential reforms under a new National Competition Policy signed last year, which the commission reckons will increase the income of every Australian household each year by up to $5000.

It might not be easy to execute, but the commission says these reforms would ease cost of living pressures, pushing down prices by between 0.7 to 1.5 per cent over the long term.

Leigh says work is already underway on the 10-year reform agenda, starting with changes like streamlining commercial planning and zoning and making it easier for care workers to move around. In a modest nod to the Hilmer reforms, there’s also a $900 million National Productivity Fund which will pay state governments to implement reforms.

Like training for a marathon, competition reform requires focus, commitment and some sacrifice. The “runner’s high” is still an elusive phenomenon for this amateur runner. But if I can make it through that finish line in August, I’m optimistic the nation can hit the ground running with more of the reform we need for a better-performing economy in the long run.


Friday, August 2, 2024

One reason for our inflation problem: weak merger law

Nothing excites the business section of this august organ more than news of another merger between two public companies. “Merger” is the polite word for it; usually the more accurate word is “takeover”.

So, is the dominant firm offering a good price for the firm being acquired? And should the shareholders in the dominant firm be pleased or worried about the deal? Will it benefit them, or just the company executives who organised it? A bigger company equals higher salaries and bonuses, no?

The financial press tends to regard takeovers as all good fun. Part of the thrills and spills or living and investing in a capitalist economy. But such mergers change the shape of the economy that provides us with our living. Do they make the economy better or worse?

According to the Albanese government’s Assistant Minister for Competition Dr Andrew Leigh, a former economics professor, some mergers improve the economy, whereas some worsen it.

As he explained in a speech this week, mergers are part of the market mechanism that allows financial capital to go where it’s most needed and will do most good to the consumers, workers and savers who make up an economy.

Most mergers are a healthy way for firms to achieve economies of scale and scope, and to access new resources, technology and expertise, Leigh says.

But mergers can do serious economic harm when firms are motivated by a desire to squeeze competitors out of the market and so capture a larger share of the particular market.

So “the small number of proposed mergers that raise competition concerns warrant close scrutiny” to see whether they should be allowed to proceed, he says.

The point is that, according to economic theory, the main thing ensuring ordinary people benefit from living and working in a capitalist economy is strong competition between the profit-making businesses providing our goods and services, which limits their ability to charge excessive prices and make excessive profits.

Competition obliges businesses to pass on to customers much of the savings they make from using improved technology to increase their economies of scale, while preserving the quality of service provided to their customers.

Similarly, competition between a reasonable number of alternative employers is needed to ensure their workers are fairly paid.

This is why laws controlling mergers are one of the main pillars of policy to keep competition between firms effective, along with prohibitions on the forming of cartels and other collusion between supposedly rival firms, and the misuse of “market power” – the power to keep prices above the competitive level.

Leigh says merger law is unique among those pillars because it’s the preventative medicine of competition law. While the other pillars deal with anticompetitive practices that are already being used, it deals with the likely effect of future anticompetitive actions the merger could make possible.

Fine. Trouble is, reformers have been batting for about 50 years to get effective restrictions on the ability of Australian companies to proceed with mergers designed to limit competition and enjoy excessive pricing power.

Leigh notes that a less-competitive market can add to the cost of doing business, and reduce the incentives and opportunities to invest, grow and innovate. For consumers, a less competitive market leads to higher prices, less choice, and lower growth in wages.

Big companies have resisted previous reforms – sometimes as represented by the (big) Business Council – sometimes, when Labor’s been in power, by big unions in bed with their big employers.

But now the Albanese government is making another attempt to get decent control over mergers that are expected to worsen competition.

And not before time. The challenge in Australia is to name more than a handful of industries not dominated by a few big firms.

Academic research Leigh has been associated with has shown that monopoly power worsens inequality by transferring resources from consumers to shareholders. He found evidence that market concentration – a few firms with a big share of the market – had worsened.

As well, profit margins had worsened and “monopsony hiring power” – few employers in an industry – was a problem in many industries.

After the Albanese government’s election in 2022, Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Leigh set up a Competition Taskforce within the Treasury focused on advising the government on actionable reforms to create a more dynamic and productive economy.

The taskforce’s top priority was to reform our merger laws. Consultations with industries said our piecemeal merger process was unfit for a modern economy and lagged best practice in other countries.

We were one of only three developed countries with a system of notifying proposed mergers that was merely voluntary. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) complained about inadequate notification of proposed mergers, insufficient public information about the mergers, “a reactive, adversarial approach from some businesses” and limited opportunity to present evidence of likely economic harm arising from a particular merger.

In April this year, Chalmers and Leigh announced what they said were “the most significant reforms to merger rules in almost 50 years”. They would reduce three ways of reviewing merger proposals to a single, mandatory but streamlined path to approval, run by the ACCC.

For merger proposals above a monetary threshold or market-concentration threshold, this means those which would create, strengthen or entrench substantial market power will be identified and stopped. But those consistent with our national economic interest will be fast-tracked.

Challenges to the commission’s decisions will be the responsibility of an Australian Competition Tribunal, made up of a Federal Court judge, an economist and a business leader.

This should make it easier for the majority of mergers to be approved quickly, so the commission can focus on the minority that are a worry on competition grounds.

It’s the great number of our industries dominated by just a few firms that makes us especially susceptible to the inflation surge we’re still struggling to get back under control.


Sunday, February 4, 2024

The next thing on Albanese's to-do list: fix competition

In a capitalist economy, every capitalist professes to believe in stiff competition. In truth, it’s their biggest hate. Why? Because it limits their ability to put up prices and makes them work harder for their money.

Just this week, big business has been saying that, if only we could get proper tax reform – by which they mean lower taxes on companies and the highly paid – we’d get more productivity and more innovation.

In truth, what’s far more likely to improve innovation and productivity is stiffer competition, particularly in those many industries dominated by just a few giant corporations.

The federal government doesn’t have a minister for competition, but it does have an assistant minister: Dr Andrew Leigh, a former economics professor.

Last year, the Albanese government announced a rolling two-year review of competition and set up a taskforce within Treasury. It’s supported by an expert advisory panel with some big names: Dr Kerry Schott as chair, David Gonski, the former boss of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Rod Sims, and the new boss of the Productivity Commission, Danielle Wood.

This week Leigh gave us an update on what the taskforce had been doing and discovering. But he started with a locker room pep talk on why competition is the key to making capitalism – or “the market system” as economists prefer to call it – benefit the customers more than the capitalists.

“Competition provides a check on unbridled profit-seeking by business. In a competitive market, innovators can bring new products and services to market, without fear of being shut down by entrenched monopolists,” he says.

Competition limits unearned privilege and seeks to treat everyone fairly. Competition guides labour and capital to their most valuable uses and combinations, driving the productivity improvement that underpins sustainable wages growth.

“For workers, genuine competition between businesses provides greater opportunities to switch jobs, allowing workers to make the most of their skills and secure better pay and conditions.”

“For consumers, competition provides more choices, allowing people to shop around and find better value products and services. Indeed, the most obvious benefit of competition is in delivering cheaper prices. There is no better tool than competition policy for keeping real prices down.”

And, Leigh adds, competition is also crucial if Australia is to make the most of the big shifts involved in digitisation, growth in the care economy and the transition to net zero carbon emissions.

But Leigh warns of “worrying signs the intensity of competition has weakened over recent decades, with evidence of increased market concentration and [profit margins] in several industries.”

“Other countries find themselves at similar crossroads and many are – like us – reviewing their competition policy settings,” he says.

Our taskforce is taking a fresh approach to competition policy: digging out and analysing large sets of data to understand what the problems are and help craft solutions to them.

The digital revolution is producing masses of “microdata” on what businesses are doing, while making it easier for statisticians to measure the growth in the economy earlier and more accurately.

It gives academic economists great ability to analyse what’s happening in particular industries, and gives the econocrats a better understanding of what and how to regulate the things business gets up to.

For the first time, the taskforce has developed a database that tracks company mergers throughout the whole economy. Believe it or not, it does this by looking at the flows of workers moving to different employers.

This will allow it to track the effects of mergers on the performance of businesses, on employment and on industry concentration – that is, fewer firms controlling more of a particular market.

The new database has already revealed three worrying things. First, because notifying the competition regulator the ACCC of an intended merger is voluntary, it hears of about 330 mergers a year, whereas there are between 1000 and 1500 mergers occurring annually.

Second, for the most part, it’s huge firms swallowing smaller firms, rather than medium and small firms joining. Get this: the largest 1 per cent of firms account for about half the acquisitions.

Larger companies made more acquisitions over the course of the 2010s. And mergers were most common in manufacturing, retail, professional services, and health and social services.

Third, the firms that are the targets of takeovers are more than twice as likely to own a patent and almost twice as likely to own a trademark.

Remember that patents give inventors a long-term legal monopoly over the use of some invention. So this finding raises the fear that at least some takeovers are motivated by a desire to gobble up an effective competitor, or may even be “killer acquisitions” aimed at killing inventions that threaten the profits of some big player.

Leigh says we can expect to hear more from the government this year on mergers and how they should be regulated. The taskforce issued a consultation paper in November asking for opinions on whether the present arrangements remain fit for purpose.

The ACCC has already proposed a significant increase in its power to block mergers considered likely to substantially lessen competition.

And, last December, the federal government secured agreement from the state treasurers to revitalise national competition policy and commit to developing an agenda for pro-competitive reforms.

Meanwhile, Leigh points to findings by British academics Geoff and Gay Meeks that reveal only one in five research papers find that the typical merger boosts the profits or the sharemarket value of the merged business.

They point out that mergers often boost the remuneration of the company’s managers, while leading to layoffs among workers.

Leigh acknowledges that mergers aren’t necessarily a bad thing, but the small number of proposed mergers that do raise competition concerns warrant close scrutiny.

He says that “for the sake of shareholders, workers and citizens, it is important to ensure that Australia’s regulatory system is not facilitating value-destroying mergers”.

Many of the nation’s chief executives may not agree with that, but most of the rest of us would.